Tender House Project Exhibition
McCormick Bridgehouse & Chicago River Museum
99 Chicago Riverwalk, Chicago, IL 60601
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Tender House Project works to realize the latent potential of Chicago’s iconic yet overlooked bridgehouses, proposing that this hidden infrastructure is a cultural asset that will breathe needed life into the Chicago River.
In collaboration with Togetherism, a two-month festival of artists groups curated by Public Media Institute, eight Chicago-based groups will creatively activate the Michigan Avenue bridgehouse and surrounding riverwalk areas.
Exhibited work will feature design proposals from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s Master of Architecture program and design proposal submitted by the public. The result contributes toward a city-wide strategy of highlighting the Chicago River as a cultural corridor. With 70 bridgehouses spanning 13 miles of the Chicago River and having direct access to 15 neighborhoods, these underutilized buildings will be vital to fostering a connected and culturally celebrated Chicago.